Banbury/Drayton boundary review - BADR
Drayton Parish Council and Banbury Town Council have asked us to consider changing where the parish boundary sits between Drayton and Banbury.
As shown on the map, marked by the letter D, part of the Castle Grange housing development around Walker Road, Grevile Road and Hermon Road has been built across the parish boundary. This means that around 380 homes are actually in Drayton Parish, not Banbury.
Drayton Parish Council and Banbury Town Council would like us to consider moving the parish boundary, so that all of the houses are in the same parish.
Future development
There are two further areas of land that we are also reviewing.
Outline planning permission has been granted for around 320 homes, in the area marked C on the map. Both Drayton Parish Council and Banbury Town Council would like this area of land to be moved into Banbury, so that when the houses are built, they are part of Banbury rather than Drayton.
We have also been asked to consider the area of land marked B on the map. With the potential changes to the boundaries at areas C and D, it may be sensible to consider moving area B into Banbury from Drayton at the same time.
More details on what these changes would mean can be found in the consultation letter.